
Busan’s airport is Gimhae and has both international and domestic flights. We suggest checking to see if you can fly directly from your country to Busan.
Incheon (Seoul) is Korea’s major international airport. To get to Busan you can take a domestic flight from Incheon or transfer to Kimpo airport in Seoul. You can also take the KTX Train or express bus from Seoul to Busan. The connection from Incheon airport to KTX train or express bus is easy and convenient.

☞ Please click on your way to get to the Venue.

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  • KTX (Korea Train Express) is a high speed rail express train that connects Incheon Airport to Seoul, Daejeon, Daegu, Busan, Mokpo, Yeosu, and other cities
  • For route guidance, reservations, and confirmations, please visit Korail homepage.

Line Map


  • To Busan Station(KRW) 72,100

Time table (departing from ICN)

Time table (departing from ICN)
Routes Train No. Time
Gyungbu Line
(to Busan)
115 Busan 06 : 55
125 Busan 09 : 07
139 Busan 12 : 07
163 Busan 16 : 30
173 Busan 18 : 35
181 Busan 20 : 35
  • To get to the Venue by taxi, simply print the message below and show it to the driver.
    This file clearly explains the location of the venue.

안녕하십니까? 이 분은 해운대 웨스틴조선호텔부산에서 개최되는 글로벌 여성리더포럼에 참가하시는 분이오니, 안전하게 광안대교를 통해 웨스틴조선호텔부산까지 모셔다 주시면 감사하겠습니다. (호텔로 이동하시고자 하는 경우, 호텔로 모셔다 주시면 감사하겠습니다.)